What you need to know about River Rock Bible Church
OUR VISION – To reach every man, woman, and child with the life-changing reality of Jesus Christ.
Every church has a statement like this, but the question is, how do we plan to get there? We want to help every man, woman, and child to experience the life-changing reality of Jesus Christ by helping them SHARE, CONNECT, MINISTER, and DISCIPLE.
You can SHARE your life and the life found in God with others. Think about who you might know that doesn’t know the life-changing reality of Jesus. How could you share your life with that person in ways which model the love of Christ? Share your life over coffee, meals and/or hobbies. Share the message of the Gospel!
You can CONNECT with God and others. It is so important to stay connected with the local church. Our lives are supposed to support and encourage each other. We want to help connect you to God and others who can walk with you as you grow in your walk with God. This could be people in your small group, those you serve alongside or just friends in the church.
We also want to help you MINISTER others in the church and in the community. We were made to be givers – not just takers. The church has many areas for you to serve using your talents and gifts. However, there are also ways to serve out in the community in the name of Christ and under the River Rock Bible Church banner. We hope you’ll do both!
Lastly, we want to DISCIPLE you and help you DISCIPLE others. Jesus told us to make disciples (Matthew 28:18-20). River Rock Bible Church is a church of disciples who make other disciples. We encourage you to pray about what steps are you taking to grow as a disciple of Jesus (Daily prayer, study, repentance, service, etc…). Are you committed to learn how to lead others to know and follow Jesus? Ask God to show you what next step He would have you take this week to grow as a disciple.
Additional Information about River Rock Bible Church
Click to find out more our elders, pastors and staff.
Click for more information about our seven non-negotiable beliefs.
Click for more information about free resources created specifically for our community.
Click for more information about job opportunities at River Rock Bible Church!